i love trees

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I usually have a large list of things to remember written down beside me because I forget a lot of things.  Forgetfulness is a disease which I inherited from my cat, Mungo which is frankly unfair as he doesn’t need to remember anything and I occasionally need to remember things. I lost my list of things to remember and had to start a new one which involved remembering the things which were on the original list of things which I had to remember. I’d like to officially blame my flatmates Pomeranian on the misplacing of the list as Pomeranians are known to be the slyest of the dog family and when I asked him where he was on Tuesday last week he said it was none of my business. 

I forgot majority of the things I needed to remember aside from buying 100 straws to eventually join together to form the world’s longest straw and cat food, but I did also manage to remember earth hour. Unfortunately I remembered Earth Hour the day after it was scheduled and I felt sitting in darkness for an hour when it’s not a world-wide event lent itself more to loneliness than helpfulness. So I'm comprising a list of things I can do which would be equally as beneficial without being alone in the dark.

So far I have come up with the following tree-hugging earth-saving world-loving options:

1)      Australia has been in drought for a long time and even though it’s now flooding I’m still not convinced we’re out of our dry spell. By putting my clothes in the freezer when they are dirty the smell is eradicated. It will get slightly annoying when I need to get to the contents of my freezer, and I'm sure my flatmate is going to eventually notice that the ice cream has been replaced with old knickers and dirty socks but until that day, it remains a good deed for the earth.

2)      I like trees and I think that if I try and save trees that I’ll be happy and the earth will be happy so I am going to carry my computer with me everywhere to avoid using post it notes and other things made from trees. I’ll have to manually type out my receipts before the cashier prints them but I'm all about helping trees.

3)      I didn’t really have any more ideas

4)      ...

I’ll keep thinking of ideas, but for now I just want to officially apologise to the Earth for forgetting about you. I'm sincerely sorry and I can assure you my cat feels terrible for giving me forgetfulness.

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