the benefits of flatmates

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Pro: I’m clearly sane enough to live with
Con: This could be an illusion considering my flatmate is equally, if not more, insane than I am
The other day I decided that professional hip-hopping was for me so I put Bunny Holidays “Teach me how to bunny” on repeat and did rotational things with the top and bottom halves of my body. I was learning the bunny when my flatmate decided it was time to go bike riding. I had previously looked out the window when one of my hip rolls went over the top lunging me toward the balcony where I was able to glance at the sky and notice it was raining. Odd that she would decide to bike ride in the rain, but my concern was not with her it was with my new career as a professional hip-hopper. My focus was back on my bunny and I managed to get in my groove only to be suddenly interrupted by the feeling of rubber on my shins. Indeed, my fanatical flatmate had decided that her bike ride (considering the weather) would be best to keep inside even though our apartment wasn’t even big enough to swing a dead cat without tearing down our Paper-Mache-strength walls. Alas, that was not to deter her and she proceeded with the bike riding. It wasn’t so much bike riding as it was bike balancing because there was no room to pedal forwards or even turn around. All things considered she was pretty good at bike balancing so I have urged her to phone the Guinness book of world records so we can make a fortune and buy a life time supply of snack packs. I love snack packs.

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